In fact, DEFCON 5 is the lowest state of readiness. Movies and popular culture often misuse the DEFCON system by "going to DEFCON 5" during a state of emergency.

Increase in force readiness above that required for normal readiness

Increased intelligence watch and strengthened security measures The five DEFCONs, their exercise terms, and their general descriptions are shown below. The current exercise terms have been used since at least 1960, when they were used in a North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) exercise. This is to preclude the possibility of confusing exercise commands with actual operational commands. Additionally, during nuclear / normal tests, exercises, or drills, the United States Department of Defense uses exercise terms when referring to the DEFCONs. The preparations that take place under the five DEFCONs are difficult to describe because they vary between many commands, they have changed over time as new weapon systems were deployed, and the precise details remain classified.