Message exchange with friends while navigating. Road accidents, road works, speed cams and other events marked on the map by users. Fuel prices, movie showtimes and other useful information. Weather forecast information for the next three days anywhere in the world. Log in to Navitel.Friends/Cloud service using your social network profile (Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte) Program settings and waypoints are stored in the NAVITEL cloud storage. Messaging with friends, tracking their location and routing towards them.

Information on all traffic jams in the covered area, available in real time.

Map subscription: Map purchase for a limited period (1 year) with prices starting at 10.99$.Access to maps at any time: Maps are downloaded to the internal memory of a device or an SD-card.No Internet connection required for the use of the program and maps: No additional expenses on roaming or dependency on mobile connection. Try popular navigation for 7 day free! _ * 20M DOWNLOADS WORLDWIDE * * TOP 5 NAVIGATION IN 12 COUNTRIES!* ADVANTAGES Navitel Navigator is a precise offline GPS navigation with free geosocial services and detailed maps of 64 countries.